Monday, March 24, 2008

Gnosticism In The Matrix's Cave.

Wikipedia describes modern Gnosticism as a system of belief which exists through knowledge or Gnosis. The general idea which surrounds this movement is that humans are divine souls confined to a material world which was created by an imperfect spirit or the "Demiurge." The Demiurge is either created by or a similar form of God which exists on a supreme level. Under Gnostic principals we should strive to free ourselves of this material world by gaining spiritual knowledge through direct experience or knowledge of God.

This approach to our existence is a very interesting theory for our time. Especially now with the government attempting to excite us with visual and verbal tactics of confusion. It’s important to seek the truth rather be fed false facts for their own purpose.

The concept of being trapped in a world that limits our growth can be related to Plato’s Allegory Of The Cave. The story describes a human existence where people have been chained in a cave with their only source of light being a grand fire blazing behind them. What has been given to them and their circumstance is their only source of knowledge. Their life experience has been stunted by their surroundings, their material knowledge being all they know. If they would just push past their material comforts or, discomforts in this case, they would gain great knowledge in a world unseen.

Yet material knowledge overrides many factors in our everyday life. People tend to be comfortable trusting a familiar sight. What Gnostic principals urge is for us to be aware of our spiritual existence rather than what is blatantly in front of our eyes. The Matrix symbolizes and supports this theory with a modern overtone. The world that Neo feels around him actualizes to be a simulated reality created to keep his spirit dormant while his body is used as an energy source. Neo’s ascendancy into the actual world and use of his mind to avert the agents is his procurement of Gnosis while the Matrix is our Demiurge. I don't know where God factors into this allegory but then again, who ever does? (If you do, I'm forever open to enlightenment) :]


Brandon said...


I agree with your existential interpretation of Gnosticism, and how it correlates with 'Matrix' and 'Allegory'. We all must be keenly aware of the events taking place around us. Ignorance, whether deliberate or not, is the greatest impediment to one's enlightenment.

Ana said...

It is all very sim,ilar to Buddhism too, isn't it?

Have to come back to check the songs you've put on your blog! Good music is always welcomed.